Hearst Televisions’ intriguing space serves as a functional space for this national multimedia organization. This space features executive and staff offices, multiple conference rooms, huddle areas, phone rooms, state-of-the-art newsroom, a green screen filming area, reception, pantries, lockers or equipment, dressing rooms, and the center of it all – the control room. A dim violet light highlights the area and lets the screens shine bright through the glass wall overlooking the office space. The control room is a showpiece feature that allows staff to keep up with Hearsts’ national news.
Hearst Television is a national multimedia company with operations serving nearly three dozen U.S. cities, reaching one out of every five U.S. households. It delivers local and national news, weather, information, sports and entertainment programming via every available content-delivery platform. Hearst Television is recognized as one of the media industry’s premier companies, where quality journalism and service to community are the core values.